Hi guys have a question on shapes and lines and trying to figure out an easy way to display the length of these.
When I draw a line and suppose for a second it is 2 inches long after the line is complete how can I measure the length of the line by perhaps clicking on it or other ? "The ruler works ok but if the line is a meandering type then the ruler dont work so good"
Same thing again with shapes. Suppose I have 3 shapes that are each 1" long by .250" wide. I connect the ends of the shapes and then edit them so they look like mitered transmission lines. In otherwords the 3 shapes are now combined into one to say look like an L. Does anyone know of a good way to measure these ?
On the shapes I again can use the ruler by clicking point to point along each section of the shape until my destination is reached or I can add a line on a different layer that follows the path of the shape to get the total length but I am curious if there is a better way to do this.
It would be neat if Allegro had a way of figuring out the length of lines and shapes just by clicking on it...
Thanks Scott.