While back annotating, I get an ERROR(SPCODD-549) in my swp.log file as follows,
#549 ERROR(SPCODD-549): No physical part found for COMP_DEVICE_TYPE=AD5232_TSSOP16_TSSOP16_IC_1.2MM, regenerate the netlist to sync
with Allegro board.
ERROR(SPCODD-516): Line Number: 417
#549 ERROR(SPCODD-549): No physical part found for COMP_DEVICE_TYPE=ICL3232_SO16W_IC_2.65MM_312-806, regenerate the netlist to sync with Allegro board.
ERROR(SPCODD-516): Line Number: 418
#549 ERROR(SPCODD-549): No physical part found for COMP_DEVICE_TYPE=XTAL_XTL_HC49SLF_IC_3.5MM_230-7, regenerate the netlist to sync with Allegro board.
ERROR(SPCODD-516): Line Number: 419
#1 ERROR(ORCAP-36027): Unable to read physical netlist data.
#2 ERROR(ORCAP-36025): Aborting Swap file creation... Please correct the above errors and retry.
Please tell me how to resolve this issue.