Hi everyone,
I was hoping to find some help on how to generate an assembly drawing using version 16.5 of PCB Designer. I can see under Manufacture -> Variants there is a selection to create an assembly drawing, but when I try to use that function I get an response that says, " Variants file 'variants.lst' not found."
I don't have a variants.lst file because 1) I do not intend on having any variants for this design, and more importantly, 2) I don't know how to create a variants.lst file or the required format of such a file. It appears I do not have a license for the Allegro Design Entry HDL variant editor, which I would apparently need to create a variants.lst file.
I've also tried turning off all details except for Board Outline, Package Geometry->Assembly, and RefDes->Assembly. I've got several small parts placed close together, so I'm not sure how I can clearly associate the Ref Des with the part in many cases.
So, how do I create an assembly drawing?
Thanks guys.