I am trying to build the circuit below when I try to proceed with the simulation I have gotten some errors. Would you please help me? Thank you for your help in advance!
I am using two AD844 contect in series with AD633
Here is the result after run the simulation
* Local Libraries : .LIB "../../../library/opamp.olb" .LIB "../../../library/misclinear.olb" * From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of Q:\Cygwin\cdssetup\OrCAD_PSpice/16.6.0/PSpice.ini file: .lib "nomd.lib"
*Analysis directives: .TRAN 0 100ms 0 1u .OPTIONS ADVCONV .PROBE64 V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*)) .INC "..\SCHEMATIC1.net"
**** INCLUDING SCHEMATIC1.net **** * source ABDUL R_R1 0 N00509 1k TC=0,0 R_R2 N00333 N00321 1k TC=0,0 C_C1 0 N001137 1u TC=0,0 V_V1 N00321 0 +SIN 0 1 150 0 0 0 R_R3 0 N001131 500 TC=0,0
**** RESUMING simulat.cir **** .END
ERROR(ORPSIM-15141): Less than 2 connections at node N00509.
ERROR(ORPSIM-15141): Less than 2 connections at node N00333.
ERROR(ORPSIM-15141): Less than 2 connections at node N001137.
ERROR(ORPSIM-15141): Less than 2 connections at node N001131.
ERROR(ORPSIM-15142): Node N001137 is floating