I wrote a very detailed post in the PCB Forum (which may have been the wrong place). It said it needed to be previewed by a moderator, but that forum doesn't list a moderator so I think it's in limbo.
I'm using OrCad 16.6 Lite in a Win 8.1 update 1 64bit VM. I'm attaching to SQL Server 2012 on the host machine. I have Access 64 bit in the VM attaching fine. I have a 32 bit ODBC connection that tests fine (yes, I hit the error message trying to use the 64 bit ODBC first).
OrCad creates the DBC fine, it only prompts for the password once, sees all of the tables and fields, etc. But when I try to place a part it keeps on prompting.
If I try a wrong password it knows that it's wrong.
If I hit the Options button and the database dropdown shows the other databases that the user has access to
I tried running as Administrator with the same results. I deleted the Capture.ini and DBC file to recreate them as Administrator, no change.
I changed the SQL login's password in case symbols were messing it up, no change.
I wrote an Auto-it script to keep entering the password, but that didn't get me anywhere.
I imagine there's something easy that it causing this, but can't seem to find it.