Hi all,
consider this AN
when he says:
"Note: As a part will have more than one occurrence in a complex hierarchical design, it is essential that all these occurrences have a unique reference designator in the design. For this, the yellow columns for the parts must have unique reference designator. Therefore, for a complex hierarchical design, the preferred mode of annotation is Occurrence. This ensures that each occurrence gets a unique reference designator."
what does it means?
when in occurrence annotation mode,
1)sub-circuit reference designators change automatically at each hierarchical block placement/copy action
2)user have to change sub-circuit reference designators at each hierarchical block placement/copy action
I'm asking this because maybe I misunderstand and / or I forgot to set something
if I copy a hierarchical block, the reference designator does not change automatically, and I want that it does.
I had some problems also manually change the reference designator in sub-circuits by double click text to open the display properties dialog, changes made in one occurrence affects other occurrences and other weird things ...
the only way is to change the reference designator manually in property editor view.
i'm using Orcad Capture 16.6-S032.