Hi everyone, I'm new to Orcad Capture and PSpice and currently trying to learn to use them.
I first started by reading this tutorial here "Introduction to OrCAD Capture and PSpice".
As explained in this tutorial (page 14-15), I used the part PARAM in the "special" library to be able to use parametric sweep. I followed the tutorial and added a new property to the part that I called "Rload".
But now the problem is that when I create a new project, the property is still there and I can't delete it (the value is hatched and I can't delete the complete row). I tried "delete property" but Capture raise the error ORCAP-1141.
I looked it up on Google and the forum but I found no answers. I am currently using Orcad Capture CIS Lite.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I just found out that the property "Rload" I added on the PARAM part is also added for any new part. For instance, if I create a new capacitor, it will also have the property "Rload".