Hi there,
We have a heterogeneous symbol with 20 parts(A-T) on several schematic pages, 1156 pins . We need to export every pin's properties: inluding pin number, pin name, net name, I/O type, I/O standard and some other user-defined properties.
Usually I sue "Edit Properties" by right click on one sch symbol part, as below picture, then I copy columns from cadence to an xls. If I still use this method for this big FPGA, I have to copy a lot of times, and errors may occur. Is it possible to exporting all 1156 pins's properties just in one time? Thanks very much!
I tried select SCH folder and use "Tools---->Exporting Properties", and got an EXP file, which does not contain full property info I need.
I also tried "Export FPGA" command, choose CVS, just get "pin number" and "net name" information, but very strange , I got no info about pin's direction, io standard and others.... Following is excerpt from cvs file, as you can see, only Pin Number and Signal Name is exported, other attributes is empty.
Pin Number, Signal Name, Direction, IO Standard, Drive (mA), Slew Rate, Termination, IOB Delay, Diff Type, Diff Pair, Swap Group