I'm using Orcad 17.2 and I'm trying set a bunch of part properties to be visible (VALUE_ONLY) or not (DO_NOT_DISPLAY). I have a function that works for a single selected part instance. I'd like it to work on all the parts on the whole design. I have some code for an unrelated function that traverses all the parts in a design and I copied that method of traversing the design but when I run it I get the error:
RuntimeError Command Requires SchematicView
I get a similar popup error if I try to manually change the display properties from the "Edit Object Properties" window. The only reference I found in the docs about "SchematicView" is a function that returns a boolean to check if SchematicView is enabled or not.
Is there a way to traverse all the parts where it does it in SchematicView mode? The method I use to traverse the design is copied from Orcad TCL/Tk Extensions manual rev 1.2 (sections 3.2.2 and onward).