We're interested in going to a distributed model where all Cadence users in different geographic locations can share the same virtual network path. This would be easier on maintenance as we would have one repo for all CDS_SITE stuff regardless of location (currently we mirror but there are a number of differences between sites which is a pain).
Has anyone done this? Can you share your experience?
In limited testing, it was too slow to use the public internet. (Regular and frequent freezing/stuttering during layout, very slow invocation of Component Browser in schematic, etc.) We have better results using our dedicated link, but that was only between two sites that weren't extremely far away. We haven't tried using "the cloud" but I'd like to hear anyone's experiences to give us a running start.
FYI, we understanding WAN licensing and other issues. Licensing is a separate issue for us from hosting the items at CDS_SITE.