I'm working with a schematic as a basic one, and I managed to sync it to our database of parts. so far so good.
But I would like in a different variant to change the value (or the P/N) of some of the resistors without grouping them.
As let's say.
In my original sketch the resistor R10 will be 100k and a capacitor C4 50nF.
And in my Variant I want to make (lets say BOM Varient 2) om the part manager have the same R10 and C4 but with different values or p/n (let's say resistor 50k and capacitor 100nF)
I don't manage to do it, as in changing the link, changes in the entire part manager. and you can't add one as 75k and one as 100k and disable one, because I'm getting annotate mark (?)
Has anyone have any idea,