I am getting the following error while creating the netlist. I tried to go line no 11 as mentioned in log. However, couldn't find the exact part which is having issue.. Please guide.
Loading... E:\RAHUL\4LCD VER 2.0\ALLEGRO/pstchip.dat
Loading... E:\RAHUL\4LCD VER 2.0\ALLEGRO/pstchip.dat
Loading... E:\RAHUL\4LCD VER 2.0\ALLEGRO/pstxprt.dat
#38 WARNING(SPCODD-38): Terminating character ':' not found on line 11.
ERROR(SPCODD-47): Packaging can not complete because the file E:\RAHUL\4LCD VER 2.0\ALLEGRO/pstxprt.dat could not be loaded. There might be syntax errors in this file. Ensure that the syntax is correct before proceeding.
ERROR(SPCODD-382): Error at line 11 in file E:\RAHUL\4LCD VER 2.0\ALLEGRO/pstxprt.dat. Error loading the parts list file
#9 ERROR(ORCAP-36026): Unable to read logical netlist data.