When you are viewing a Symbol Package and wish to revert to looking at only one instance of the symbol it's difficult to get out of that mode.
Previously one could use "View" Part on the tool bar to return to one instance of the part. You could actually easily cycle between view part and view package. To get out of the view package menu you have to X out.
It is no longer possible to easily cycle between views.
Here is a pic to illustrate (Try it out ) !
On a related note at the schematic level, One of the salient features of capture is the Full Screen cursor ( F6) that's handy for lining things up.On windows 10 the FSC is causing screen artifacts during a move symbol operation.Needless to say there is one benefit to that artifact. ( You can see where the symbol was ) until you have finished moving it.
I was wondering if anyone is on win 10 does it do the same thing for you with FSC enabled (F6-KEY) to turn on and off. ?