Constraint Manager - Capacitance
Is there a way to set a line to line (Electrical EC set) constraint for capacitance?I have a large number of signal that have a maximum capacitance to a group of signals (channels) that can not exceed...
View ArticleHelp: ERROR(15053): Can not initialize PSpice UI
Hi I am using ORCAD for PSPICE simulation. It works fine, but all of a sudden, this error happened: "ERROR(15053): Can not initialize PSpice UI" I tried some method in this thread, but did not solve...
View ArticleFootprint Viewer Not Present / Missing in OrCAD Capture 17.2
The footprint viewer functionality appears to be missing in OrCAD Capture 17.2. Can anyone else confirm and/or suggest a fix?
View ArticleReorder schematic page tabs in Capture
Hi,Is there a way to re-order schematic page tabs? I find it very confusing the way it works - especially when opening multiple projects where tabs from different projects can mix. currently for what I...
View ArticleSome thaughts about 17.20...
That 17.20 uses multithreads I have seen when performing DRC-checks.But is the software in general written to make use of multi-core/thread CPU's?Planning ahead, I see that less cores and high speed vs...
View ArticleAllowed Global Shorts not allowed?
We have a design where we have 2 nets that have different names but there are connected together at a common point.We have added the 2 nets on the 'Allowed Global Shorts' but the PCB has them as 2...
View ArticleCadence Tcl/tk Utilities not seen in accessories menu in OrCAD 17.2
I am not sure if I saw this question earlier, but why is the Cadence Tcl/tk Utilities not seen in accessories menu in OrCAD 17.2 ?Please suggest what needs to be done Thanks much
View ArticleGround planes at rigid/flex transition
When I define a flex zone it automatically generates a Route Keepout shape on the layers that do not exist in the flex stackup. But these keepouts are exactly aligned with the edge of the flex region,...
View ArticleAnnotation Fails for a heterogeneous part in a special sheet
Hi,I have created a heterogeneous part and I am using two of them in some of sheets in a design. Although I have used a uniqe part in two sheet, one of them fails in Annotation. I see below error...
View ArticleKeeping Annotations when using Hierarchical Block
Hi,I have an annotated schematic with more than 2000 components. And I need to encapsulate the schematic in an hierarchical block but I would like to keep the old reference IDs.Exists a way to create...
View ArticleMigrating CIS from 16.5 to 17.2 -- 32-bit vs. 64 bit?
Hey guys...long time user of Capture CIS. We have always used MS Access to maintain our CIS database. After loading v17.2 and connecting to our .dbc and our CIS Database, we get an error as...
View ArticleImport from ADS
Hello,I try to Import my ADS Desgin in to the Allegro Desgin flow. but get some Errors.Basicly i do the same as in the Video : I Start the Desgin Entry and I get the Error...
View Articlepanelization in PCB
What is the best solution for OrCAD/Allegro tool and within the OrCAD/Allegro family for PCB panelization. I need gerber output after performing panelization (which OrCAD Panel editor does not...
View ArticleMacros in OrCAD Capture
I am not able to see the Macro from the menu option is it still available in 17.2 version?Thanks
View ArticleArtwork Form Control Dialog Error
Folks,Have seen similar posts, but not exactly the same as I am experiencing. My version 16.2 Allegro has missing check boxes in the Film Control options tab within the Artwork Control Form dialog...
View ArticleCapacitive touch Slider/ Interlaced patterned rotary sensors.
Dears,In one of my capsense design I need to implement the rotary slider (five segments). How can i recreate the same in PCB editor? Attached is for 3 segments a reference.Need your valuable inputs,...
View ArticleOrCAD Capture - is there a way to replace selected parts on a schematic with...
I have an OrCAD Capture schematic that has a number of 1k resistors throughout the design. i need to replace many of them with 2.2k resistors. The parts are from a library (each value/type is an...
View ArticleAllegro Pad Designer - Pad Naming Conventions
I've recently been tasked to clean up and re-organize the whole library and found that there are multiple different naming conventions used for pad designs.As allegro does not recognize "." there seems...
View ArticleHow do I start Variant editor in SPB16.3
I need to create a variant of my design (same pcb but different components fitted) but the variant editor does not appear in my SPB16.3 Project Manager.What line do I need to add to the project flow to...
View ArticleChanging Custom Variables in Variant Editor
If I have a base design with Custom Variables like DWG_NUMBER, DWG_REVISION or BOARD_NAME which are populated for each variant with a different number revision etc. Is it possible to set these custom...
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