Hi all,
I got below netlist error after swap pins enable for part(Heterogeneous).. please help me..
#105 ERROR(ORCAP-36004): Conflicting values of part name found on different se
ctions of "UDDR1".
Conflicting values: MT47H32M16HR-25E-G_BGA84N80P6X15_1250X800X120_(S1+S2+S3)_MT47H32M16HR-25E-G & MT47H32M16HR-25E-G_1_BGA84N80P6X15_1250X800X120_(S1+S2+S3)_MT47H32M16HR-25E-G
Property values of "Device","PCB FootPrint", "Class" and "Value" should be identical
on all sections of the part.
#106 ERROR(ORCAP-36018): Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry.