Please, please, please follow the instructions fully when installing. They are at the top of the Skill file and also here:
Download and install the precompiled potrace release suitable for your platform:
set the POTRACE_PATH environment variable to the path to the executable
eg. C:\utils\potrace
Download and install the precompiled ImageMagick release suitable for your platform
This may not be necessary if you use Linux as ImageMagick is often included in Linux installations:
If the path to the ImageMagick convert.exe file is not in your system path then set the MAGICK_HOME
environment variable to the path to the convert executable. (Run "convert -version" in a system shell to test).
eg. C:\utils\ImageMagick\ImageMagick-6.5.1-3
Install into your skill folder.
Add load("") to the allegro.ilinit file in your pcbenv folder.
Happy logoing,