I'm writing a bachlor degree about rectifier circuits. To simulate my rectifier bridge i'm using Orcad capture CIS (picture 1).
My problem is that i can't get proper graphs for firing angels above aprox. 60 degrees. Alpha from 0-60 works brilliantly, but when i increse beyond that, the field voltage won't cross zero. Does anyone have any suggestions what might be wrong?
I will add a couple of pictures to clarify the problem, very thankful for all response!
If you have problems understanding my meaning, please ask and I will try to explain better.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/icgk7uki7mkrcrz/Screenshot%202014-05-16%2010.59.48.png (Thyristor data)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rlyvvv7uzxcyoib/Screenshot%202014-05-16%2010.59.39.png (Rectifier circuit)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fgf8yuzrcxrudo6/Screenshot%202014-05-16%2010.31.12.png (Ph. to ph. voltage, field voltage, alpha=90)