I have a few computers that I setup the Capture.ini file via the environmental variable %HOME%, some work some don't. Ones that do not work spit out the following warning in the Session Log with the following Capture.ini configuration. If I place all the required files into the same directory Dir0, i.e. PAD/DRA/PSM, it works. However, on the machines that do work the PAD and DRA/PSM files are in separate folders... Any ideas what might be the issue?
WARNING(SPMHUT-127): Could not find padstack R60X70. ERROR(SPMHA1-161): Cannot open the design database file ... run standalone dbdoctor on the file. Unable to opening design SMC1206.psm
My full path is: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SPB_Data\cdssetup\OrCAD_Capture\16.6.0 \Capture.ini
Capture.ini configuration...
[Allegro Footprints]
Dir0=C:\Cadence\Library\PCB Footprints
Dir1=C:\Cadence\Library\PCB Padstacks