I'm new to Cadence and working through a part creation process for a common library accessed by multiple users.
I see a blog question earlier on something similar but I'm just wanting to see if I'm heading in the right direction with what I'm doing.
First I create a padstack and use that in creating the PCB footprint. When I need to combine that with a schematic symbol into a part I choose the library that I want the new part to reside in and open it in Capture then right click on it in the file tree and select Add New Part. In doing that I can create the part schematic symbol as well as assign the footprint to it that I created earlier and save it back to that library for use.
I'd just like some advice on whether this is the best process to create parts using only Capture CIS and PCB Editor without implementing a separate option like PCB Librarian right now. Please relate a better process for me if possible based on your experience.
Thanks for any comments.