I am facing below error while simulation in psice,
INFO(ORCAP-2191): Creating PSpice Netlist
INFO(ORNET-1041): Writing PSpice Flat Netlist d:\dc workspace\sasa project simulation\try2\orcad design 170104\sasa_iii_hardware_schematic-PSpiceFiles\0-BlockDiagram\0-BlockDiagram.net
WARNING(ORNET-1119): The part/device cannot be simulated. No PSpiceTemplate found on 1.J100, ignoring this part/device from simulation netlist. Use Place->PSpice Component...->Search to place simulation ready part
ERROR(ORNET-1103): Undefined FLOAT property '' 13 pin 'RSTnew'
ERROR(ORNET-1103): Undefined FLOAT property '' 11 pin 'mPORSTnew'
ERROR(ORNET-1103): Undefined FLOAT property '' 11 pin 'sCALnew'
help me to resolve the issue.