When in EtchEdit mode or general edit mode for routing I notice that when routing is finished by selecting "Done" the settings in the find dialog
settings get blown out.
I am trying to maintain the relationship between adding etch with find after the fact. In other words after etch is added to the canvas I want the
find dialog to retain ( Cline Segs, Pins, Nets, Rats T etc ) so that those items are selectable for either info or basic editing after the fact.
Is there any way to accomplish this other than creating a macro for find entities ?.
Basic idea is to have find pre-checked for a given command such as routing etc.
Something like a "IF Done" at the macro level would be helpful too though I do not know if something like that is supported ? , Like execute
the macro, after done is selected as an action then the macro runs the part to check find dialog items.
Thanks Paul.