I am unable import Altium ASCII schematics without an error.
I run "trl altium2hdl advanced" from the command line and select "Allegro Performance" license.
The "Load Altium" step works, it's the "Project Setup" fails.
When I run it from the pull down menus: fle->import->CAD translators->Altium... I get this error: "E-Check if License for FET exist! Check if Template Project exist!"
This is the log file:
X.1.01 INFO - Project Directory set: "M:/A2A/Allegro"
7.3.02 INFO - Altium PrjPCB Definition File Opened!
7.3.02 INFO - Altium PrjStructure Definition File Opened!
7.2.06 INFO - PRJRawList: CDS_Proj_Name: "ian_is_sensor_21041" Proj_Name: "IAN_IS_Sensor_21041" Design_Name: "ian_is_analog_21041"
1.1.0 INFO - [ 1] of [ 2] Start to Load "ian_is_analog_21041" SCH File "M:/A2A/Altium/IAN_IS_Sensor_21041/IAN_IS_Analog_21041.SchDoc"
-->1.4.01 INFO - 48 Parts in the Altium Schematic "ian_is_analog_21041"!
1.1.0 INFO - [ 2] of [ 7] Start to Load "IAN_IS_Ultrasonic_TM_21041" SCH File "M:/A2A/Altium/IAN_IS_Sensor_21041/IAN_IS_Ultrasonic_TM_21041.SchDoc"
-->1.4.01 INFO - 69 Parts in the Altium Schematic "IAN_IS_Ultrasonic_TM_21041"!
1.1.0 INFO - [ 3] of [ 7] Start to Load "IAN_IS_Sensors_21041" SCH File "M:/A2A/Altium/IAN_IS_Sensor_21041/IAN_IS_Sensors_21041.SchDoc"
-->1.4.01 INFO - 26 Parts in the Altium Schematic "IAN_IS_Sensors_21041"!
1.1.0 INFO - [ 4] of [ 7] Start to Load "IAN_IS_Wake_Serial_21041" SCH File "M:/A2A/Altium/IAN_IS_Sensor_21041/IAN_IS_Wake_Serial_21041.SchDoc"
-->1.4.01 INFO - 40 Parts in the Altium Schematic "IAN_IS_Wake_Serial_21041"!
1.1.0 INFO - [ 5] of [ 7] Start to Load "IAN_IS_Power_21041" SCH File "M:/A2A/Altium/IAN_IS_Sensor_21041/IAN_IS_Power_21041.SchDoc"
-->1.4.01 INFO - 57 Parts in the Altium Schematic "IAN_IS_Power_21041"!
1.1.0 INFO - [ 6] of [ 7] Start to Load "IAN_IS_BLE_21041" SCH File "M:/A2A/Altium/IAN_IS_Sensor_21041/IAN_IS_BLE_21041.SchDoc"
-->1.4.01 INFO - 9 Parts in the Altium Schematic "IAN_IS_BLE_21041"!
1.1.0 INFO - [ 7] of [ 7] Start to Load "IAN_IS_CPU_21041" SCH File "M:/A2A/Altium/IAN_IS_Sensor_21041/IAN_IS_CPU_21041.SchDoc"
-->1.4.01 INFO - 25 Parts in the Altium Schematic "IAN_IS_CPU_21041"!
-->3.1.11 ERROR - Project Structure for Design: "ian_is_analog_21041" NOT CREATED
csnetlister 16.6-S074 (v16-6-112GH) 7/11/2016
Error loading page.map file for block 'top'. You may wither correct the file or delete the map file. If you choose to delete map file, you will need to purge the page mapping using 'page forcereset all' command.Netlist Log File: temp/csnetlister.log
csnetlister.exe exited with errors.