So I have a bit of a weird question; I'm trying to create a single stencil with both sides of my PCB on it (this is because my stencil manual printer basically has a minimum size and my board is tiny) so from looking around the way I'm trying to do this is to export one side's paste mask as an IPF then import it; mirror it and export the combined side as a single larger gerber which I then can upload to the stencil creation site. The problem I'm running in to is that the imported IPF is an outlined version of the other side so the stencil only has half of the details as necessary (since the other half is just infinitesimally thin lines outlining the shapes) - are there any recommended ways to do this? I'm thinking either if I can import the IPF as shapes that are filled rather than outlines (not sure if this is possible) or something else entirely.