Hi Group!
I'm using Orcad PCB (Tiny-Allegro ;-) version 16.2 s28.
I've drawn some custom shapes for pads/soldermask (Halfcircle2mm.ssm and Halfcircel2mm-sm).
When I load them in Padstack Designer (as "Shape" with "Geometry" dropbox="Shape") the preview of the pad is just a vertical line, the soldermask looks like the drawn (but hollow). This seems a bit strange - but preview functions has never been a Cadence selling point. The the "Top" view of "Views" in Padstack designer is just a square - but I think thats a feature that has never worked with custom shapes anyways (?).
Using the padstack (Halfcircel2mm.pad) in a footprint looks as expected. But when placed on a board it seems the soldermask is used for the actual pad. In any case the outline is to big (and pin center is not where it should be).Thus the pads are shorted (and I get the expected "SMD Pin to SMD Pin Spacing" DRC).
I'm at the point where I think I've tried everything at least twice - but I'm hopefully just missing something obvious?
Any input greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Anders Frederiksen (Denmark)
PS: Relevant design files and a screen shot of the footprint in the editor and placed can be found here http://hi5.dk/Temp/CustomPad-failing.zip