I am migrating from 16.2 to 16.5. My company maintains a released library for schematic capture (schematic parts, allegro symbols, costing etc., dml models) This is a pain since it may take upto a week to get a symbol created and sometimes we choose another part before the design is released. We have a local library we maintain for parts we need to get into a design quickly for proto-types (Pre-release). Doing a "packaging" which is needed to move the netlist into allegro, I am getting a number of errors which is due to the fact that there is not a .dml model for the symbols we have created locally. This did not happen in 16.2. Is there someway to disable the model check in 16.5 to ignore the .dml model availability? We normally use sprectraquest to handle the dml model creation until we are closer to release. We have a local library of 700 plus parts, I can not spend days converting ibis models into .dml files.
Net sch @\171365_lib\.sch(sch_1):gpio_testm1 Schedule: Default
Error: Signal Model "RESISTOR-2.7K" on instance"@\171365_lib\.sch(sch_1):page1_i109"