OK - The "Snap To Grid" option simply doesn't work (for what I need) under 16.6 SP5. I obviously expect too much, but after several hours of clicking and reading the help docs, I can only conclude its broke. (please excuse the rant).
I'm trying to clean up a bunch items imported from dxf that ended up at weird off-grid coordinates, although basically close. The elements of concern just include mechanical features like circles, squares and panel outlines. I've successfully imported it to a brd file, but not surprisingly the coordinates are all screwed up from accuracy round-offs or whatever. Things were imported into the non-etch subclass "board_geometry/assembly_detail" for intended use as placement reference.
The problem arises in trying to clean it up a bit using the move > snap-to-grid command option. I have not been able to find a mouse click sequence that works (usefully) to get the drawing elements to align to my Allegro grid (non-etch), which is currently set to 1-mil. After several hours of playing around, I've managed to achieve alignment of a few elements, but not by using the "Snap To Grid" command option.
Any of the experts here have any insights into how Cadence intended this option to work? Is this a new UI productivity feature of 16.6 or do I just need to re-training? Also, discovering some help documentation (latest version installed) on "nudging" items a small amount, the "Shift-Click, Shift-Arrow" key method described doesn't work either. The folks writing the help files must be a few revs behind.
One issue might be with my imported circles that are interpreted by Allegro as single-line arcs (segments) with the same start/end point, and a center coordinate identified in the "show element" report. However there is "no origin" or "vertices" identifyable when tring to use the Move command, which is basically making the snap-to-grid option useless.
Productivity increasing again - - Thanks!