I've been updating a few library symbols originally done under 16.3. When doing a "refresh padstacks" in the symbol editor, I get the following log file entry:
INFO: Design is an old-style flash design. Any thermal relief
geometries will preserve name but set Geometry to Rectangle.
The library padstacks were done with flash symbols for thermals, but with new "fsm" symbols. The symbol is circa v16.3, so is not the "old style flash design" indicated. The results of the padstack refresh are indeed as indicated. In the design padstack, the thermals are shown with the flash symbol name, but the geometry has indeed been changed from "flash" to "rectangle".
Why?? The padstacks involved are not rectangular, nor are the flash symbols used. Also, on some footprint symbols, after the padstack refresh, the "update symbols" command does not list the thermal flash symbols as used. On some other symbols it does. Must be a new 16.6 "feature".
Any clues?